About this speaker
Hi Friends! My name is Tammy Trayer. First and foremost, I am a lover of Jesus! I am also an author, writer, blogger, educator, podcaster, certified biblical breathworker, and an Integrative Health practitioner student. My family and I have lived 100% off-grid in the wilds of north Idaho for the last 13 years.
I had life-saving surgery in 2016. God diagnosed me when the medical system laughed at me, He guided me to the doctor, and when I arrived for surgery, they said, "A week later, you wouldn’t be here. Your organs are shutting down".
I followed God’s still, small voice! We had nothing, yet God provided every penny we needed to travel across the country for a month. I was a very active, athletic, type-A personality, and I was flat on my back for a year following my surgery. God grew me, showed me, used me during this time, and God has built my faith muscles to such a degree that I no longer experience fear, worry, or anxiety. When things don’t go as planned, I don’t skip a step! I TRUST His plan over mine, and you will find me hanging on to Jesus' robe hem, living life to the fullest, and completely allowing Him to guide me in everything that I do!
My family and I have been educating on our off-grid traditional lifestyle for the last 13 years. I have loved every minute of it, and now my mess has become my message. Over the last seven years, God has been redirecting my steps. I have been involved in natural health and herbs since I was 14, and I've spent the last seven years on a deep dive into naturally healing, rebuilding, and restrengthening my body. In my practice Faith Led Healing, I help people get to the root causes of what is ailing them and holding them back. I use Breathwork to help them calm and destress the body because we must first remove the stress and stressors for our bodies to heal. I help them take their life and health into their own hands while guiding them to rebalance their bodies so they can get their vitality, health, and life back. God is front and center in my business, and I truly am in awe daily, seeing His hand at work in my clients. I love the outdoors, being healthy, and teaching others how to find solitude and renewal in nature and live a healthy life. This, of course, includes a rich relationship with Jesus!
I am passionate about helping others and showing them how to achieve this amazing place and deep relationship with Jesus I have found by using the tools God has blessed us with - our faith, His word, deep prayer, and our God-given breath! I love empowering others to step into their purpose (the best things in life are on the other side of our comfort zone) and soar through and for Him!
You can find me at:
www.FaithLedHealing.com (& www.FaithLedLiving.com)
Instagram: @FaithLedHealing (& @FaithLedLiving)
YouTube: @FaithLedHealing (& @FaithLedLiving)
On your podcast apps: Faith Led Healing Podcast (& Mountain Woman Radio)
My Books: FaithLedHealing.com/tammytrayer
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Armor Of God | Faith Led Healing Bible Verse Handout | Mini Breathwork mp3
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Armor Of God | Faith Led Healing Bible Verse Handout | Mini Breathwork mp3
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