Time to Upgrade Your Pass

Armor Of God Conference Speaker Application

Thank you for applying to be a speaker! I'm so excited about our upcoming fifth conference! Please read all the information provided on this page prior to applying. We plan to have the speakers identified by March 24th and will let you know before then if you are selected. As a speaker you will get the opportunity to serve and share the good news to thousands of women and men across the globe.
After the Armor: What About Your Battle Plan?

October 12, 2023, 07:30 PM

Kimberly McCann
Day Three & Conference Recap

October 14, 2023, 12:00 AM

Lonny Rollins Tracie Rollins
Preparing The Way

October 12, 2023, 04:30 PM

Carolien Cross
Building a Solid Armor with a Bible Journaling Verse Ring

October 12, 2023, 09:00 PM

Regina Yoder

Here Are The Details

The conference will be held October 11-13, 2023. As always the conference is FREE for those who attend the conference during these dates. There will be all-access passes for sale with the opportunity for the speakers to earn 40% commissions on any of their sales through their affiliate link.

The Application Process

This application form will be open starting February 3rd. We will take applications through March 13th. We have a rubric that we will use to grade each speaker application and will make our selections based on it. We are targeting 20-25 total speakers with the possibility of alternates. We had over 40 applications in previous years and were only able to select 25. We will make our selections no later than March 24th and we will reach out and notify you if you have been selected.

Session Details

Session Title
Session Description (How you plan to use theme of Armor Of God and what the session is about)

Your Details

What is your preferred email address for conference communications?
What is your name?
Do you have a website and/or socials? (Please share)
Each speaker must select one of the Armors for the focal point of your session. We will make sure we have coverage for all seven Armors. If you have a preference please share it. If not one will be assigned to you. If we have too many for certain ones we will have to rebalance and reassign based on need for the conference.
Please Upload Your Preferred Headshot Photo
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Shameless Plug Time (Tell us about you and why we should select your application)