Time to Upgrade Your Pass

Tyra Harnishfeger

The Word Will Stand Forever

Session Tyra Harnishfeger (Sword of the Spirit, Proverbs3Three)

About this Session

The Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) stands forever; however, 53% of American Evangelicals believe this statement is true: "The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true" (from Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay The State of Theology 2022).

How can more than half of believers not know that God's Word is TRUTH?! As a believer, we must know about God's Word and know what it says. So many things in our world, our culture are temporary. Knowing Truth and knowing God's Word empowers us to stand firm against the culture as we wield our Sword of the Spirit! Through journaling and spending time reading God's Word, we strengthen our armor...we strengthen our Sword!

In this session, we will equip attendees to develop rhythms and habits to develop a biblical worldview through journaling and work in God's Word.

About The Speaker

Tyra Harnishfeger

Tyra Harnishfeger

Sword of the Spirit, Proverbs3Three

Christian School Administrator, Bible Journaler, Teacher, Lover of God's Word