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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Tracie Rollins

Tracie Rollins

Owner, Bible Journaling Ministries

Amanda Davis

Amanda Davis

Founder and Writer, Devotion in Action

Rochelle Rossouw

Rochelle Rossouw

Owner at La Rochelle Crafts, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB3EwCzlm684WmSkL5Nvi0w

Lorri Spencer

Lorri Spencer

https://www.facebook.com/wovenwithglitter YouTube Woven with Glitter @wovenwithglitter

Chelsea Wojcik

Chelsea Wojcik

Bible Journaling with Kids, www.biblejournalingwithkids.com


Introduction to the Armor of God Bible Journaling Activity

Tracie Rollins

Are You Watering Your Garden?

Lorri Spencer

Lets Put on Jesus Faith Art Challenge

Tracie Rollins

Fuss Free Bible Journaling with Kids

Chelsea Wojcik

Putting on Perikephalaia

Amanda Davis

Blessed Assurance

Rochelle Rossouw